Monday, March 26, 2007

If You Build It...

So what does the gold sculpture atop of this building look like to you?

If you said shaving cream, you'd be wrong. If you said a flame that is being blown on, you'd make the creator happy because that was his intention. If you said it looks like a big yellow poop, you're on your way to becoming a Japanese person.

I know this blog has focused on fecal matter a little too much, but the Japanese are obsessed by it. I have been told that this building is a laugh-point for the Japanese. Part of the Asahi beer building area, it was supposed to be a shining example of the glory of Japanese design. Instead it's called the "poop" building and a source of humor for all. You see, the Japanese think poop is funny. That's what I've been told. I will take some pics of the cartoon poops to further validate my claim, so stay tuned.

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