Yeah, the melons are $60 each. A slice of decent cheesecake will put you back $10. And all Mac computer products and really expensive (oops - scratch that ... they're really expensive everywhere), but at least you don't have to buy facial tissue in Tokyo.
Thanks to the Tissue Men.
God bless them. These guys hand out small carry packs of tissues at most heavy traffic areas such as Shinjuku, Shibuya and Ikebukuro. Okay, there's one catch - each tissue pack has a little advertising card in it. But I think that's a small price to pay for free tissues. But the advertising seems to be important to these guys because they don't just hand out their tissues willy nilly. Oh no, they target recipients and will cross city squares just to thrust a tissue pack in the face of someone they think should receive them.
Naturally they're all young and should probably get a life, but hey - it keeps them off the street. Er, well, not really.
Speaking of tissues, nothing is said when someone sneezes here. Freaks me out. I understand the hesitation in blessing people, but even the Germans have "Gesundheit" which I believe means "I wish you good health" - a nice thing to say when someone has just nasally sprayed bacteria in a 20 foot radius.
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